Love Inc of Greater Cushing
Nonprofit Organizations Broadway District

Love INC of Cushing
Have a need? Call Love INC. The first thing you’ll hear is the voice of a caring, well equipped volunteer from one of our partner churches. A volunteer who will take the time to listen and care for you; who will inquire about the presenting need, but also explore the broader context of your situation. Everything we do revolves around relationships because Love INC isn’t just about meeting needs, it’s about meeting people where they are at, and helping them achieve their God-given potential. Here are a few of the ways we do that in our community:
CONNECTION CENTER: The Love INC Connection Center takes many requests for help each year. These calls are answered by caring volunteers who listen to understand people’s situations and direct them to the most appropriate source of help. This can mean a referral to an area agency or services provided by area churches and volunteers through the Connection Center.
GAP MINISTRIES: Love INC helps churches build ministries to fill the gaps in services by identifying unmet needs in the community. From baby cribs to financial management classes, we help churches organize services and products to meet real needs without duplicating existing resources. Yet, what is offered is much more than products and services, our relational approach ensures that each person is seen as an individual and offered prayer, encouragement, and ongoing connection.
NEW HOPE MINISTRIES: Love INC, with the help of community churches, offers life skills classes as we walk alongside our neighbors in long-term, highly relational ways. Each class is designed to restore hope, to build relationships, and to share the light of Christ in our community.
PRAYER: Prayer is an integral part of who we are. Before we start our day, our meetings, or answer any phone calls… we pray. This gives God the opportunity to guide us on what He wants us to do. And we’re never disappointed. Would you like someone to pray for or with you? Give us a call at 918-225-1125.
HOURS: Tues-Fri 12-4
OFFICE LOCATION: 321 E. Broadway Street Cushing, OK 74023

Our upscale resale shop is a critical part of Love INC of Cushing. With generous donations we receive from our church partners and the community at large, we are able to continually offer our shoppers a wide variety of home décor, furniture, clothing, and more at reasonable prices. Sales from Love It Again provide essential funds to support the ministries of Love INC’s and our partner churches.
HOURS: Tues - Fri 12-5 / Saturday 10-4
BOUTIQUE LOCATION: 203 W. Moses Street Cushing, OK 74023
Donations can be brought to the back door of the Boutique from 9 am-3 pm Tues - Fri or Sat. 10 am - 1 pm.
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