Cushing Economic Development Foundation
Government Nonprofit Organizations Broadway District
Economic Development
Cushing is the “Pipeline Crossroads of the World” for crude oil, with approximately 100 million barrels of storage in the tank farms surrounding the community. Cushing is the delivery point for West Texas Intermediate, a blend of US light sweet crude oil streams traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Cushing's strategic position as a major hub in oil supply led to WTI's development as a significant physical market price reference or benchmark for over three decades. Cushing is the most significant trading hub for crude oil in North America, connecting the Gulf Coast suppliers with northern consumers.
The community of Cushing, Oklahoma, is located in Payne County on U.S. Highway 33, a divided four-lane highway that extends from Tulsa, Oklahoma west to just north of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma east. Geographically, Cushing is at the center of Oklahoma and the United States with quick access to Interstate 35, Interstate 44 and Interstate 40 allowing for transported goods to go north, south, east and west rapidly.
Additional Info
The Cushing Economic Development Foundation, Inc., serves as a resource to employers and those interested in doing business in Cushing. The Foundation works closely with business leaders, entrepreneurs, the City of Cushing Industrial Authority, the Chamber of Commerce, civic organizations, and others to promote opportunity and stimulate economic growth in Cushing. The Economic Development Director is in part responsible for business and industry recruitment and retention, as well as developing programs and initiatives to improve the economic well-being of Cushing and its citizens.