Cushing Chamber & Cushing High School Freshmen Workforce Development Day
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 (9:05 AM - 11:45 AM) (CST)
We are partnering with Cushing High School to bring a Workforce Development Day Program to the Freshman Class on Nov. 9 at the CHS Campus from 9:05 am - 11:45 am. Some of our Member businesses will be in attendance to expose their Industry and professions to the CHS Freshmen Class.
There is a statistic that is staggering concerning Freshmen in High School in their first Semester: They are more apt to choose a lifelong profession in their first semester of their Freshman year in high School and stick with wanting to get a career in that profession all through high school.
With our current workforce needs, we want to help introduce our local Students to some different professions to help them potentially choose one or more to move forward with throughout their high school years and after graduation to pursue.
Cushing Chamber is working with Coach Phillips at CHS on this program.
There will be two keynote speakers that will kick off the morning at the Auditorium, Lee Denney and Cory Grey. They will have from 9:05 am - 9:20 am with the students.
Then the students will be broken into 10 groups of 16 students in each group. They will then go into the lobby of the auditorium and outside the auditorium where businesses will be set up at a table or out in the parking lot with their trucks/work vehicles/boom trucks/etc. The groups will have 10 minutes each at each business table/location. Groups will rotate out until each group has gone to each table. The time period for the business rotations will be from 9:25 am - 11:45 am.
Businesses will each get 10 minutes to discuss with each group:
- What their Industry/profession is;
- what they do for a living;
- job description
- How they got into that line of work
- What the typical salary is for that profession
- What kinds of schooling did they need in order to get into that profession
- Outcome of that profession
As we get closer to the Workforce Development Day, these are some of the businesses that will be in attendance:
Cabin Creek Farms - Agriculture / Farming / Commercial Meat processing/selling
Silvertown Espress - Owning a small business / food truck / etc.
Plumb Twisted - Plumbing Industry and your VR Trainings / Apprenticeships / could bring one of your trucks with supplies/etc.
Godofredo's - Hospitality Industry / Restaurant ownership / Entrepreneurship
Plains All-American Pipeline - Pipeline/Oil & Gas Industry
Premier Auto Glass - Automotive/Glass Repair Industry
A Ross Welding - Manufacturing/Welding Industry
KUSH 1600 AM/101.5 FM Radio - Media/Radio Industry
Indian Electric Cooperative - Electrical Industry / truck, lineman and an engineer
Indian Electric Cooperative - Marketing and Communications Industry
Hillcrest Hospital Cushing - Medical Field (Dr. Muckelwrath) & Medical Administration Industries
Century 21 Millennium Real Estate Agency - Real Estate Industry
More businesses/Industries are being asked to join in on this workforce development day and will be listed here as they agree to be a part of it. In all, there will 12 different Industries and Professions in attendance to speak to the CHS Freshmen Class, in 10 minute increments. The Freshmen Class will have 12 Different Industries to learn from, and they choose their top 10 that they would like to hear more about.
Each will bring swag items; just something to give to the students as they visit their tables to keep the students engaged and remembering the industries and the discussions.
Thank you to Cushing High School for asking the Cushing Chamber to be a part of this great Workforce Development Day and having us be apart of it, and to all of our member businesses that will be talking to the students. It's going to be a really fun and informative day for us and the Freshmen Class at CHS! Any way we can help lead our CPS Students to great futures and help fill the workforce is what your Cushing Chamber is here to do.
Sponsorships for this Workforce Development Day are available. Most of the sponsorships help fund snacks; drinks; etc. for the students during the event, and possibly supply lunch for all students after the event IF enough funds are raised through sponsorships. Please click the black REGISTER button on this page to sign up for a sponsorship! We appreciate it very much!
For questions, please call the Cushing Chamber office at 918-225-2400 to speak to Cushing Chamber President & CEO Tracy Caulfield.
Lunch Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
1700 E Walnut St
Cushing, OK 74023 United States