NEWS RELEASE: Varsity Revue Donates Record-Breaking $85,000 to United Way of Payne County
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 07/28/2023 | FOR MORE INFORMATION Christoher Sneed, Marketing Director 580-747-1696 |
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Varsity Revue Donates Record-Breaking $85,000 to United Way
“That’s not real.”
This is what Quetta Woodall, Head of Philanthropy Steering Committee, said she thought to herself after learning Varsity Revue raised $85,000.
Organizers presented a giant check to United Way of Payne County during the awards presentation at the end of its final performance on Saturday, March 9.
“I honestly thought if we just matched last year’s amount, that would be great,” Woodall said.
But they exceeded last year’s total donation of $60,000. This is the largest amount Varsity Revue has raised for United Way. It is the third largest amount raised from any of the three Fraternity & Sorority productions.
This is Woodall’s second and final year serving on the Steering Committee. She is scheduled to graduate May 2025. A friend who served previously, encouraged her to participate. She said she enjoyed previous philanthropy work and knew that was how she wanted to be involved. For the fundraiser, fraternities and sororities pair together. They wrote musical skits, choreographed dance routines and rehearsed for months. Most of the acts involved elaborate costumes and set pieces. Starting on March 6, more than 350 students participated on stage at the Seretean Center for four consecutive nights.
Afterward, the public was invited to vote for their favorite act by way of donation. Organizers also tried to raise funds through help of local restaurants and businesses, as well as running a letter-writing campaign.
The money is given to United Way of Payne County, which combines it with money raised during its annual campaign from September to December. Starting in January of the following year, 99 percent of those funds are divided among 23 partner agencies to serve local communities.
The partner agencies offer services that align with United Way’s focus areas; expanding education, improving health and safety, and reducing poverty. United Way helps connect local resources to assist each agency with its mission. The main aid is through funding from the annual campaign.
The campaign includes many public events including Varsity Revue. Last year, Varsity Revue’s contribution accounted for 20% of United Way’s campaign goal.
“It’s incredible to see these young adults come together around such an important cause,” Ruth Cavins, Executive Director of United Way, said.
According to the Oklahoma State University Interfraternity Council website, the show premiered in November 1929 to raise funds for new university band uniforms and has been a thriving tradition ever since.
United Way of Payne County improves the lives of families and individuals by uniting resources. It does so by investing donated dollars and volunteer time in nonprofit partner agencies. Anyone interesting in donating or learning more can visit www.unitedwaypaynecounty.org or call (405) 377-2161.