Calvary Baptist Church
At CBC, we try to help when and where we can. If you need a church home, come visit us and let God lead. We are a small country church and very proud to do God's will.

Greif Share
Thursdays at 6:30 pm is a 13-week program. Please call (918) 306-9377 for more information or pick up a brochure at the Cushing Chambers front foyer.
Please come by we are located at 6008 E Sac and Fox, Cushing OK 74023
Phone # 918-306-9377
Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/CALVARYBAPTISTCUSHING
Additional Info
Biblical Outreach for Others & Myself
What is BOOM Bible Brigade you ask? It's a program for ages 5-12 that helps them learn biblical truths, manners, morals, and memorization.
It's an hour and a half program. It'll start at 6:30 pm every Wednesday. Start date to be determined after pre-registration is done. We'll accept up to 30 children, as we don't have many leaders. We start the evening with prayer and pledges to the bible, American & Christian Flags.
We have 3 sessions: Group time, Game time, and Message time. Each session is 30 minutes long.
Group time: *consists of your child getting slips of paper with bible verses on them; they may choose one or more it's up to them; these are what they will be memorizing
- Saying their memorized bible verse/verses to their leader
- getting new verses to memorize
- getting a mission to do
- getting to know each other
Game Time: They get to play games.
Message Time: They will hear a biblical message, have prayer, learn a lesson: we hope, and get any rewards they have earned.
We will have a few parent nights throughout the year, so you can experience firsthand what they are doing here, but you are invited anytime to join us. if you like.
We will have a reward system. As they learn/memorize bible verses, have perfect attendance, and do missions activities they will be given special pins for these, They will receive a ribbon to display these pins on. Every three months we'll hand out the attendance award. The other awards will be as the kids advance. Some may advance farther and quicker than others, which is fine. We understand some are older and some don't learn as quickly. this is an"at their own pace" program. We would love for you or someone to help them practice their memory verse/verses during the week.
Your Child/Children have the opportunity to earn BOOM BUCKS. Boom bucks are fake money that they will earn to buy items every 4 months in what we will call The BOOM Store. They earn these by the following ways:
- Attendance
- Bringing their Bible
- Bringing a friend
- One or each Bible verse they have memorized
- Mission activities
- Getting their practice verse cards signed and dated.
- Bringing/paying their dues
- Being extra kind and helpful
Your child can lose bucks too.... bad behavior.
A practice verse slip of paper will be sent home with them each week, some kids may bring more then one home, as they want to advance quicker. Each card can be signed, on the back; by you or someone that helps them memorize the verse/verse. If it is signed and dated and they dont have it memorized, they will not recieve bucks until the verse is memorized. The signing, from you or whomever is just for them to have help and earn an extra buck. It is not necessary but will be appreciated by your child.
Because we have game time, we want the girls to come in pants or shorts, not dresses, please. If they come in a dress, without shorts under it; they will miss out on game time. Tennis shoes are preferred as well. When the weather is nice we will have games outside.
We do have a discipline system. We use a 1,2,3 Count. If they misbehave we give them a 1 which is a warning. If they keep it up or misbehave again, they receive a 2, and have to sit out of game time. Then if they still are misbehaving they receive a 3; we call you to come get them. This works well. We haven't had to get to 3 very often and are glad.
We are not politically correct, we follow the Holy Word of God. We also believe in only two genders: male and female: as God made us.
Dues: We do need funds to keep up with rewards, Game equipment, special events, and more, so we have dues. They are .75 cents a week. You may pay for 6 months if you wish. It'll be $15, which is a $3.00 savings. If you pay the 6 months, your child will get the boom bucks earned. No refunds for missed weeks. If the dues aren't paid for 3 weeks in a row, we ask that your child not return until they are paid, but please talk to us about any monetary problems you may be having. We also do the hotdog fundraiser at Atwood's when possible, other fundraisers, and take donations to help with costs.
We have fun theme nights, usually once a month. There are prizes for the top three participators of that theme. We also have charities we encourage the kids to give to. We have given to St. Jude so far. We encourage them to bring whatever they can to put into a coin bank until we reach a certain amount, then we send it all to the charity. Even if it is a penny they've found, it all adds up.
BUS: We will run our bus and/or ban to pick children up.
There are bus rules you and your child/children will need to read, sign, and obey. You will get a copy to keep. Alll this will be happening at Calvary Baptist Churc